Flight Control HD PSN
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An HD version of the game called Flight Control HD was released for the iPad in March 2010[16] and for the PlayStation 3 on the PlayStation Network (supporting the PlayStation Move controller) on September 15, 2010.[17] The PlayStation 3 version supports exclusive additional features including a stereoscopic 3D mode, 1080p resolution, four player co-operative multiplayer, as well as an exclusive new map, Metropolis, which features a day and night cycle.[18] Flight Control HD was also ported to the Microsoft Windows and OS X operating systems and made available through Steam. These releases are similar to the iPad version aside from the addition of a new airfield. The Mac version was released via the Mac App Store on July 21, 2011.[9]
Players assume the role of an air traffic controller at an extremely busy airport. The airport features a runway for large red jets, a runway for small yellow planes and a helipad for blue helicopters. Players draw paths along the field to direct each aircraft to its designated landing zone. Each successfully landed aircraft scores the player one point, and as the player's score increases, so does the number of aircraft that will appear on the screen simultaneously. The game ends when two or more aircraft collide. Players receive a high score for the most planes landed, which can be uploaded to online leaderboards using Firemint's cloudcell technology as well as to those in the iOS Game Center. The 1.2 version update includes four additional types of aircraft and two new stages (a beach and an aircraft carrier).[19] The 1.3 version update includes the use of Bluetooth to enable multiplayer via a second device. The 1.5 update includes a new Australian Outback map which includes airplanes from the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia that cannot be redirected.[20]
MELBOURNE, Australia, 16 September 2010 -Acclaimed game development studio Firemint today announced thatFlight ControlTM HD has touched down on Sony PlayStationNetwork in Europe, Asia and Australia. It is one of the firstgames to support the PlayStationMove motion controller and is an adaptation of the global hitthat has sold over 3 million copies.
The highly addictive gameplay in Flight Control HD casts playersin the role of an air traffic controller in charge of anincreasingly busy airport. Players are challenged to directaircraft to their correct landing zone while avoiding collisions.The game starts gradually, but builds to a frantic paceonce planesand helicopters of varying speeds start to arrive thick and fast. Afast-forward setting can speed everything up even more, forcomplete chaos that will challenge even the most advancedplayers.
Flight Control HD is available as a digital download via thePlayStationStore for play on the PS3 system. The game can be playedusing the DUALSHOCK3 Wireless Controller, SIXAXISTM Wireless Controller or PS Move motion controller togetherwith the PlayStationEye camera. The PS Move navigation controller is notrequired. Multiplayer games can use any combination of thesupported controllers.
Flight Control HD is as well-travelled as its hand-drawn flight crew, starting life on the iPhone and iPod Touch before making it across to DSiWare and iPad. Now it's available on PSN in Europe (read our interview with Firemint to discover why it's not coming to North America) and fully compatible with Move. Does it belong on the big screen or is it best in the palm of your hand
Although the real life job of an air traffic controller is immeasurably complex, Flight Control couldn't be simpler, tasking you with landing aircraft on colour-coded runways or helipads, aiming to land as many as possible before a crash ends your game. Bringing in planes is as easy as drawing a route from the aircraft to the appropriately-coloured landing area: once the its path to the landing strip is set, it turns white and follows the line before touching down automatically, netting you one point. It begins as a sedate experience but soon becomes a succession of nail-biting near-misses in the pursuit of a higher score. It's classic arcade gaming with a new twist.
With the Move controller, guiding your planes in to land is intuitive and unerringly accurate: you simply highlight the plane with a cursor, hold T or the Move button and draw a path for it to follow, then release the button. The controller's more than capable of tight turns or smooth curves, making the design of intricate webs of flight paths over a built-up city just as intuitive and accurate as the game's early and more straightforward airfields. We encountered no problems with the accuracy of the detection even whilst sat far away from the TV, although the Eye camera should point directly at you for the best results.
If you don't have Move, you can still use a standard DualShock 3 or SIXAXIS controller to help guide your charges to safety, with the left analogue stick drawing paths for planes after selecting them with X. It's a perfectly decent scheme, albeit one that lacks the intuitive controls of Move, and drawing a path with the wand is simply more enjoyable than using an analogue stick. If you have both controllers, there's little need to consider picking up the DualShock, unless you want to try out the multiplayer mode, which can be played with up to four people using any combination of Move and DualShock pads.
Flight Control HD is engaging, addictive and a perfect showcase for the accuracy of the Move's pointer system, with intricate paths plotted easily and accurately. It's graphically sharp in a subtle kind of way, with none of the game's charm lost in the transition to the big screen, although it's not the most visually exciting game you'll play on PS3. Online multiplayer would have been a bonus, but the local play is still great fun, particularly on the new super-sized airfields. Whether flying solo or with a co-pilot, if you have Move, this is a flight well worth catching.
AU Review--Flight Control continues to be a charmer on the iPhone for good reason. The mix of simple game mechanics, eye-catching aesthetics, and a tongue-in-cheek tone makes this game a perfect example of good, addictive fun. Fans of the iPhone version will not be disappointed by Flight Control HD (AU$8.45 or 4.99 Euros via the PlayStation Network), the new incarnation (read: not port) for the PlayStation 3 with 3D and PlayStation Move support. Married with the motion-control device and a big screen, directing incoming planes to color-matched runways becomes an even more effortless and immersive experience, making Flight Control HD more exciting than ever.
Air traffic control isn't exactly the sexiest thing around, but Flight Control HD makes it exciting. Despite the addition of some new maps, Flight Control veterans will feel right at home: the gameplay and features remain identical to previous incarnations of Flight Control. You must guide incoming planes to their correct runways by drawing a flight path that matches blue planes with blue runways, red planes with red runways, helicopters to helipads, and so on. The idea is to land all of the planes safely without any collisions--once a collision happens, the game ends. There are nine different airfield maps in Flight Control HD, which range in difficulty from small to supersized. As with past versions of the game, the difficulty depends on how many planes come in at the same time. For example, the pace is more relaxed on an easier map, meaning you can comfortably land two or three planes before having to look to the skies for the next wave. On a harder map, however, it's not uncommon to find yourself having to land 15 planes on only four runways--and that's only a few seconds after you've started.
The maps offer plenty of variety. Depending on the map you choose, there are a number of things that affect the way you play. For example, some planes fly faster than others, meaning you have to alter the flight path of some of your planes if another plane flies into the airspace going double the speed. Some runways also open and close depending on weather conditions, and some maps include emergency planes that have a set flight path that cannot be controlled. Paying attention, reorganizing, and redirecting midgame is the best way to succeed, but, as is usually the case with Flight Control, things often end in chaos. There's also the pressure of having more than five planes flying in at the same time, which is guaranteed to happen on every single map at some point or another. While it may not sound like it, there is nothing frustrating or annoying about any of this--the more in control and focused you are, the more planes you are going to land. Thinking laterally and creatively in high-pressure situations is fun, and even when you get it wrong, you still can't help but laugh at the sheer lunacy as you try to navigate the artwork of tightly woven dotted lines in front of you.
While the gameplay itself is as much fun as ever, the addition of Move support certainly makes Flight Control HD easier to play. All you have to do is point the Move controller at the screen, highlight the plane you want by pressing and holding the Move or T button, and literally draw your chosen flight path before releasing the button. While using your finger to do the same on an iPhone screen was intuitive, a larger screen and an auto-lock system once you get close enough to a runway make things smoother. However, things aren't always consistent. While the Move controller glides like a pencil on paper and allows you to draw tight corners and complicated swirly bits in your flight path, the inaccuracy of most people's line-drawing skills means there will be times when you will have to re-draw paths, particularly when there are a lot of planes to land and not enough time to pay attention to careful penmanship. Changing the flight path of a plane is easy enough: simply re-highlight the plane and draw a new path.
The game also allows you to use a standard controller, but this is not as effective and can sometimes becomes trying. The X button is used to select planes, while the left analog stick is used to draw their paths. This is not hard to do, but switching from plane to plane is a little slower than with the Move, and when you have numerous planes flying in from every direction, all you want to do is slam the controller down and pick up the Move. It just feels better. 59ce067264